Gamesheet schedules have been loaded and all brackets are posted under the Play-Offs and Squirt / U10 Trny tabs.
No Weather Cancellations at this time.
If travel conditions seem hazardous the Visiting Team Coach must call D5 League Coordinator (Mike Graham) at (615) 491-8863 to discuss options.
District 5 Youth Hockey is operated by volunteers working to promote physical and mental development and good health, character, sportsmanship and citizenship. In order to continue this successful program we ask for your help and cooperation. Anyone who is interested in working in this volunteer youth program at the District level, or Association level, please contact your hockey association representative.
Please click on the link below for contact information for each association.
Series of Videos created by Gamesheet on how to use their iPad for scoring games and managing your team rosters
Scrimmages and Tournaments Games
When playing a Scrimmage (aka Exhibition) or Tournament make sure to select the Minnesota Hockey - Districts Exhibition Season 2024-2025 under the All Seasons menu item for creating or loading your game. Teams playing in D10 leagues but in District 5 associations should receive a sign-in code from District 10 for the iPad so please make sure to select District 10 season for loading those games. Same for those in District 4 but part of District 5 leagues use the District 5 sign-in code for scoring those games.
District 5 season selection is only to be used for League Games and Playoffs.
Team Managers, Coaches, Players, Parents: The schedule below is the Official League Schedule. Officials are scheduled for your games per this schedule. IF the schedule you get from your local association scheduler differs from this schedule please contact them so we can resolve the conflict. We do not want your team to forfeit a league game or arrive at one without officials being present. We can all work together to make that happen.